Operasi Anti Pengganas Kesultanan Sulu di Sabah

Friday, 31 May 2013

Video Ust Kazim Belasah PAS Kaw Kaw Panas Telinga Mendengarnya

BLOG BN 2013


SELAMATKAN MALAYSIA: KEBURUKAN SISTEM VERNAKULAR: Najib sepatutnya bekerjasama dengan semua menteri pendidikan yang baru dilantik ke kabinet untuk menghapuskan sistem pendidikan vernaku...

Pendekar Melayu 2013


Lirik Lagu Rumah Kita -ND Lala

Mari kita cari titik persamaan,
Jangan dibesarkan titik perbezaan,
Di situ bermula perpaduan kita,
Di situ bermula perpecahan kita...

Benarkah ini rumah kita,
Memang benar dek oi,
Duduklah di kerusi,
Jangan duduk di lantai saja...

Rumah ini rumah kita,
Memang benar dek oi,
Sudah terang lagi lah nyata,
Jangan sengketa,
Sesama kita jangan sengketa...

Rumah ini rumah kita,
Jangan biarkan orang yang jaga,
Ditangan kita,
Buruk baik ditangan kita...

Benarlah ini rumah kita,
Makan la isi,
Jangan hanya hirup kuahnya...

Baru tentu hala tujunya,
Anak cucu terpelihara,
Berbaik berpada-pada,
Jangan cacing naik ke mata

Admin -  Hayatilah dengan mendalam...........................

Pendekar Melayu 2013


1) Puisi "Bersatulah Melayu" bakar semangat peserta

19/08/2011 4:57pm

SHAH ALAM 19 Ogos - Puisi berjudul "Bersatulah Melayu" karya Lim Swee Tin membakar semangat para peserta Konvensyen Memperkasa Modul Baru Ekonomi di sini.
Kira-kira 5,000 peserta konvensyen membawa matlamat "Satu Jihad Ekonomi Bumiputera" kagum dengan luahan hati seorang bukan Melayu yang mahu melihat perpaduan Melayu demi kesejahteraan dan kemajuan negara.
Berikut puisi yang dideklamasi oleh pensyarah Fakulti Teknologi Kreatif dan Artistik UiTM, Abdul Ghafar Ibrahim:


Bersatulah Melayu
Kalau nampak ada retak
Kerana retak hujungnya belah
Bimbang belah membawa pecah
Melayu itu tak mampu berpecah
Bersatulah Melayu
Melayu itu cermin
Dalam jernihnya kita menilik
Kita menilik mencari wajah
Wajah Melayu wajah kita
Bersatulah Melayu
Melayu itu lampu
Terangi jalan luas terbentang
Siapa cuba kaburkan suluh
Kelak hilang arah dan tuju
Bersatulah Melayu
Melayu itu payung
Payung jangan carik
Carik payung
Manakan lagi tempat berlindung
Bersatulah Melayu
Melayu itu pohon
Akarnya mencengkam bumi
Bumi ini pautan kasih
Kasih Melayu segala kasih
Bersatulah Melayu
Cari dan rangkalah jalan damai
Damai membuka pintu pertemuan
Pertemuan kelak merintis padu
Berpadulah Melayu, berpadu semua.
- Utusan

Artikel Penuh: http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2011&dt=0819&pub=Utusan_Malaysia&sec=Terkini&pg=bt_25.htm#ixzz2UoCowQnw
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd 


Bersatulah orang Melayu

“Umat Islam hari ini bukan umat yang kuat, baik di dunia begitu juga di negara ini. Umat Islam tidak boleh berpecah kepada kumpulan-kumpulan kecil hingga akhirnya menjadi umat yang lebih lemah. Umat Islam jangan terlalu taksub berselisih hingga ke peringkat ‘berkerat rotan, berpatah arang’. Umat Islam haruslah arif lagi bijaksana memastikan antara permata dan kaca.’’
Demikianlah titah Raja Muda Perak, Raja Dr.Nazrin Shah di Ipoh, semalam. Ini merupakan kali kedua dalam tempoh tidak sampai sebulan orang Melayu di negara ini mendengar suara dari istana yang melahirkan kegusaran mengenai perpaduan orang Melayu.
Hakikatnya, sukar untuk diperkatakan apakah mesej-mesej dari istana ini benar-benar dihayati oleh pemimpin- pemimpin Melayu atau tidak, tetapi apa yang pasti sehingga ke hari ini, usaha untuk menyatukan orang Melayu masih menemui jalan buntu.
Apa yang malang walaupun pilihan raya umum lalu membuktikan cengkaman politik Melayu semakin rapuh berikutan perpecahan akibat perbezaan ideologi politik, namun orang Melayu masih belum sedar.
Majlis Perhimpunan Perpaduan Melayu yang diadakan di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) baru-baru ini, berakhir begitu sahaja tanpa sedikit pun menyedarkan pemimpin-pemimpin politik Melayu untuk mencari jalan bagi membolehkan mereka berada dalam satu kapal yang sama.
Sebaliknya, kita terus mendengar suara sumbang dan ia termasuklah komentar-komentar dalam blog yang seolah-olah tidak mahu melihat perpaduan Melayu itu menjadi kenyataan. Kesudahan usaha menyatukan orang Melayu masih lagi belum nampak jalan penyelesaian.
Suatu ketika, harapan agak terbuka apabila tiga pemimpin politik muda iaitu Ketua Pemuda Pas, Salahuddin Ayub, Timbalan Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Azmin Ali dan Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, Datuk Mohamad Norza Zakaria bercakap dalam nada yang sama iaitu bersetuju untuk bermuafakat dalam mempertahankan hak dan membincangkan hala tuju orang Melayu.
Tetapi malangnya, suara-suara muda ini tidak disambut oleh pemimpin-pemimpin yang lebih senior. Malahan ada sesetengah pemimpin berkenaan beranggapan sekarang bukannya masa untuk membincangkan ketuanan Melayu. Ini jelas apabila Naib Presiden Pas, Datuk Husam Musa membayangkan parti itu tidak berminat untuk mengadakan perbincangan dengan UMNO mengenai ketuanan Melayu.
Alasan Husam ialah isu ketuanan Melayu tidak perlu diperbesarkan memandangkan masih banyak di negeri dipimpin oleh orang Melayu dan Perdana Menteri pun orang Melayu.
Mungkin Husam mempunyai alasan tetapi, soal yang diperbincangkan bukan sekadar orang Melayu menjadi menteri besar atau Perdana Menteri tetapi lebih daripada itu ialah menyatukan orang Melayu di bawah satu payung.
Kalaulah dengan membenarkan Pas mengendalikan perbincangan mengenai perpaduan Melayu boleh mendorong Pas ke meja rundingan, kita fikir UMNO sudah tentulah tidak ada masalah.
Apa yang penting bukan siapa yang mengendalikan majlis tetapi lebih utama hasil perbincangan berkenaan.
Kita harus berfikiran terbuka dalam soal ini dan tidak menganggap pilihan raya umum lalu seolah-olah meletakkan mana-mana parti terdesak untuk bercakap soal perpaduan Melayu.
Sebaliknya, anggaplah keputusan pilihan raya umum sebagai hikmah daripada Allah untuk menyedarkan orang Melayu bahawa mereka sudah teruk berpecah belah.
Jika sebelum ini, perpecahan orang Melayu hanya berkisar kepada UMNO dan Pas sahaja tetapi kini ia sudah melibatkan satu lagi kelompok iaitu PKR.
Ia bermakna orang Melayu terpecah kepada tiga puak terbesar, namun seandainya keangkuhan PKR tidak boleh diruntuhkan bagi menyatukan orang Melayu tumpuan harus diberikan kepada UMNO dan Pas.
Ini kerana sejak dulu lagi, pelbagai usaha dilakukan bagi menyatukan orang Melayu dalam kedua-dua parti berkenaan.
Bagi pemimpin UMNO, mereka mungkin tiada masalah dan sentiasa bersedia dengan lapang dada untuk mengadakan pertemuan tetapi bagaimana dengan Pas.
Ramai yakin pemimpin-pemimpin Pas juga mempunyai semangat yang tinggi untuk menyatukan orang Melayu tetapi kadangkala ‘ketaksuban’ kepada pegangan ideologi politik menjadi penghalang.
Bagaimanapun kenyataan Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang baru-baru ini bahawa parti itu bersedia berbincang dengan UMNO mengenai soal muafakat Melayu telah menunjukkan bahawa masih ada cahaya di hujung terowong.
Mungkin ramai tertanya-tanya kenapakah perpaduan Melayu dikaitkan dengan UMNO dan Pas sahaja, bagaimana dengan pertubuhan-pertubuhan Melayu lain.
Sebenarnya, kalau kita mahu menyatukan orang Melayu, faktor paling utama ialah meletakkan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO dan Pas di satu meja rundingan.
Apabila ini berlaku sudah pastilah laluan lain untuk menyatukan orang Melayu akan menjadi mudah.
Kita sentiasa percaya dalam sebuah negara demokrasi, adalah menjadi hak kepada mana-mana juga individu untuk menyokong mana-mana parti tetapi mereka juga harus memikirkan kepentingan bangsa dan agama mereka.
Kalau orang Melayu terus taksub dengan pegangan politik masing-masing sehingga sanggup menolak salam perpaduan Melayu kerana bimbang hilang sokongan politik daripada parti kaum lain, ia sudah tentulah sesuatu yang mendukacitakan.
Perpaduan Melayu bukanlah kita meminggirkan mana-mana kaum, sebaliknya ia juga adalah demi faedah seluruh rakyat Malaysia.
Orang Melayu adalah kaum majoriti, oleh itu jika mereka bersatu padu dan tidak berpecah belah sudah pasti ia akan memberi kebaikan kepada semua pihak.
Tetapi kalau orang Melayu bergaduh sesama sendiri dan melakukan tindakan seperti demonstrasi jalanan semata-mata kerana ideologi politik, ia sudah tentulah akan menggugat kehidupan kaum lain.
Oleh itu, kaum lain tidak perlu merasa gundah-gulana apabila orang Melayu bersatu, sebaliknya mereka perlu berterima kasih.
Apa yang penting semua pemimpin Melayu terutama Pas dan PKR haruslah ikhlas. Mereka harus bersedia berunding dengan UMNO dan mengatur langkah bagi memastikan hak serta ketuanan Melayu terus terpelihara.
Janganlah mana-mana pihak merasa angkuh oleh kerana menang besar dalam pilihan raya, mereka tidak perlu lagi bercakap soal perpaduan Melayu.
Ingatlah pesan Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah, “masyarakat Islam akan rugi jika terus bertelagah dan berselisih hingga akhirnya, yang menang menjadi arang dan yang kalah menjadi abu’’ kerana Islam menyeru kepada perpaduan dan amat menekan aspek perdamaian.’’
Semoga titah ini akan memberi kesedaran kepada kita semua.
Artikel Penuh: http://www.utusan.com.my/utusan/info.asp?y=2008&dt=0420&sec=Rencana&pg=re_06.htm#ixzz2UoDhbLY4
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd 

Pendekar Melayu 2013

Tuesday, 28 May 2013


Kaum Cina Tidak Perlukan Bantuan Kerajaan - Persatuan Cina Malaysia

SEHINGGA artikel ini ditulis, penulis tidak nampak lagi sebarang petunjuk bagaimana kerajaan mahu menguruskan orang Cina yang jelas menolak BN dalam pilihanraya umum yang lepas, sedangkan sudah ada tindak balas dari komuniti ini dengan menaikkan harga barang sebaik pembangkang gagal menawan Putrajaya dalam pilihanraya umum yang lepas.

Dalam sukan badminton yang turut dikuasai mereka, beberapa siri kekalahan kepada pasukan tidak ternama dunia pun sudah berlaku – yang mana penulis percaya sebahagian dari sabotaj untuk memalukan negara yang kekal dibawah pemerintahan BN selepas PRU13 yang lepas

Jangan salah faham, penulis tidak kata komuniti ini perlu ditindas, tapi nampaknya mereka boleh hidup sendiri tanpa bantuan kerajaan. Sekolah, tempat ibadat, waima pusat perniagaan pun mampu diadakan sendiri oleh mereka tanpa bantuan kerajaan.

Kita yakin, dalam soal tenaga kerja pun komuniti ini sudah boleh menguruskan sendiri, tanpa perlu bergantung kepada kerajaan dan syarikat-syarikat besar yang ada kaitan dengannya; syarikat berkaitan kerajaan atau biasa kita kenal sebagai GLC ini.

Maka itu, kalau belum terfikir, penulis ingin cadangkan supaya jumlah komuniti ini dalam GLC-GLC utama dibawah Kementerian Kewangan, dikurangkan atau dihapuskan terus, terutama dalam hal berkaitan kewangan. Apa sudah tidak adakah orang Melayu/Bumiputera dan India yang boleh menguruskan hal kewangan ini dengan baik, mesti nak dari komuniti dia sahaja?

Apatah lagi penulis mendengar, keseluruhan komuniti ini dalam GLC sudah membuat pengisytiharan secara terbuka tidak akan mengundi kerajaan BN lagi!! Malah arahan Khazanah Malaysia agar email mesti dibuat dalam dwi bahasa (Melayu/Inggeris), menjadi cemuhan dan bahan jenaka komuniti ini dalam GLC.

Ini bukan benda baru, sudah agak lama berlaku tapi tak siapa yang nak bawa ke tengah.

Tidak cukup dengan itu, mereka turut berkempen di kalangan kakitangan bawahan mereka sebelum PRU13 yang lepas – cuma mungkin tidak sampai ke tahap mengugut untuk memecat kakitangan yang tidak mengundi pembangkang seperti yang berlaku di salah sebuah cawangan bank Hong Leong, Johor Baru.

Penulis tidak mahu menamakan GLC yang mana satu, sebab yang terlibat ini terlalu banyak, kalau bukan semua. Tidak mengapa kalau tidak sokong kerajaan, tapi jangan burukkan atau hasut orang supaya benci kerajaan juga, ini sudah melampau.

Kita yakin kalau orang UMNO buat benda sama dalam GLC dibawah kerajaan Pulau Pinang atau Selangor, orang itu tidak akan disimpan lebih lama lagi, justeru, kerajaan BN juga tidak perlu nak menyimpan puak-puak ini lagi.

Ini masalah bila ketua GLC ingat mereka berada di atas sana sebab kebolehan dan kelulusan mereka semata-mata, bukan kerana polisi kerajaan yang memerintah. Walaupun kebanyakkan mereka ini Melayu, tapi sikap hidung tinggi dan mudah lupa diri telah menyebabkan mereka lupa diri dan terus mengekalkan komuniti yang akhirnya menggigit tangan mereka semula.

Cadangan menghantar ketua GLC untuk kursus kenegaraan di Biro Tatanegara memang wajar, biar depa sedar diri sikit. AD


Pendekar Melayu 2013

Friday, 24 May 2013

World's Most Best Military Forces - Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) - Angka...



Tangkap Anwar Ibrahim Kerana 12 Fitnah PRU13

1. Fitnah Blackout
  1. Two DAP election candidates in Bentong have now stated that there was no power blackout in Bentong, contrary to postings on Facebook during polling day on Sunday. In addition, Tenaga Nasionalhad also denied that there was a power cut or power failure while counting was going on. Wong Tack, the environmental activist who sought election on the DAP ticket as MP for Bentong, made a Facebook posting today denying the alleged blackout. He wrote: “Dear all: There was no black-out in Bentong main counting center (Dewan Jubli Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah)
  2. Ketari DAP assemblyman Lee Chin Chen said, “There was definitely no blackout
  3. Anwar masih meneruskan dengan 505 Blackout Rally walaupun isu blackout telah dinafikan sendiri oleh 2 calon DAP di Bentong
2. Fitnah Bangla
  1. - Serdang DAP MP Dr Ong Kian Ming now wants to personally meet Chua Lai Fatt and apologise to him and his family for the accusation.Chua, it turned out, is of Indian parentage but adopted by a Chinese family in Klang who gave him that name.When contacted by The Star, Chua declined to be interviewed.“I want to stay away from the media spotlight,” he said.Dr Ong had used first-time voter Chua as an example when he questioned the Election Commission on allegations that the Government had issued MyKads to foreigners on May 4, the eve of the general election.He has since made an apology in the Chinese media over the accusation.The Chinese papers quoted him as apologising to Chua for wrongly accusing him of being a foreign voter in GE13.“I found out why Chua has a Chinese name. I feel very sorry.“I apologise to Chua and his family members,” said the DAP representative, adding that he hoped to personally extend his apologies to the voter and his family.
  2. -KUALA TERENGGANU: Seven men were roughed up during polling day at SK Ladang here after supporters of a political party accused the group of being “phantom voters” from Bangladesh.Police said three of them were held captive until the end of the polling period and were not able to cast their votes.The bullied group, of Indian ethnicity and locals, had studied at a university here previously and were registered voters in Kuala Terengganu. (Seven Malaysians Voters Assaulted After Being Accused As Foreigners)
  3. - CEO Air Asia Tony Fernandez turut menafikan bahawa Air Asia membawa sebanyank 40 000 Bangla dari Sarawak ke Kuala Lumpur dan juga mencabar BERSIH Ambiga untuk menunjukkan bukti dan sehingga ke hari ini Ambiga tidak menjawab cabaran Tony Fernandez.
  4. - AirAsia Group CEO Tan Sri Tony Fernandes has challenged Bersih co-chairman Datuk S. Ambiga to investigate whether they (AirAsia) had organized charter flights to cater for ‘phantom’ voters.Fernandes, in his Twitter, said for greater transparency, official representatives from Bersih and Pakatan Rakyat are welcomed to check on this issue.He said it is not an issue at all.In his tweet, he said: “No issue at all. Ambiga can come herself. RT @esKahn @tonyfernandes cool. for greater transparency, how about allowing official reps from Bersih and PR to check?”
3. Isu Popular Vote
  1. - Sistem pilihan raya di Malaysia tidak berlandaskan kepada popular vote ( sistem sama yang juga diamalkan oleh Amerika Syarikat )
  2. - Sistem pilihan raya dalam DAP sendiri juga tidak mengamalkan popular vote ( Lim Guan Eng tidak pernah mendapat ranking tertinggi daripada DAP top 25 voting system )
  3. - Umno secured 29.3% or 3,241,286 popular votes and won 88 federal seats, leaving the second biggest party, the DAP far behind with 15.7% or 1,736,267 popular votes and 38 seats.
  4. - In Terengganu, BN won 265,195 votes and Pakatan won 264,465 votes for state seats while in Kedah, BN won 447,198 votes while Pakatan won 440,701 votes for state seats.BN recorded significant wins in Sabah, Sarawak, Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang and Perlis.
  5. - Pakatan Rakyat only won popular votes in Selangor , Perak , Penang , Kelantan and Kuala Lumpur
4. Pakatan Rakyat Sudah Menang
  1. - Keputusan ini sendiri diumumkan oleh Anwar Ibrahim pada jam 7 petang dan keputusan rasmi diumumkan hanya pada jam sekitar 12.30 am ( Beza hampir 5 jam )
5. Dakwaan SPR/BN Campur Tangan Dalam Ballot Paper
  1. -Before the ballot box is sealed, your agent needs to inspect the box to ensure that no ‘stuffed votes’ are already in the box. Only then can the ballot box be sealed, once it is confirmed that it is empty. You already know how many voters will be voting in your saluran or stream because you have the registered voters list. Let us say, for argument’s sake, 1,000 voters will be voting in your saluran.When the first voter comes in to vote, his/her identity card will be checked. Then his/her name will be announced loudly with the number on the list to confirm that he/she is a registered voter. You then cancel this name, which means this person has already voted and cannot vote again.At the end of the day, after polling has ended, you count how many names from the 1,000 turned up to vote. Let’s say 820 names have been cancelled. This means there should be 820 ballot papers in the ballot box.The ballot box is then sealed and you stay with the ballot box and do not take your eyes of it. If the ballot boxes are transferred to another place, say to the counting centre, you escort the ballot box and never take your eyes of it, even if a naked girl walks in to the room (or a jambu youth if you are gay). – Raja Petra
  2. -The seal for the ballot box is then broken and the ballot papers are poured onto the table and counted (make sure no ballot papers are ‘stuck’ in the box). The number of ballot papers counted should come to 820. And if it shows a number other than 820, you fill in the form and file a complaint. Normally the number of ballot papers in the box would tally with the number of names on the list that have been cancelled — in this case 820. – Raja Petra
  3. -After counting the ballot papers and confirming that the numbers are correct — meaning 820 — you then sort the ballot papers. Let’s say there are only two contestants — Barisan Nasional and DAP. All the Barisan Nasional ballots are put into one pile and the DAP ballots into another.As they sort the ballot papers one-by-one, they have to first show you whether they are Barisan Nasional or DAP ballots. Once you are satisfied and you nod in agreement, the ballot papers are placed into the correct pile, Barisan Nasional on one side and DAP on the other.Once all 820 ballot papers have been correctly sorted to your satisfaction — Barisan Nasional ballots on one side and DAP on the other — you then count the ballot papers in each pile. The sum total of the two piles must come to 820. – Raja Petra
  4. -If the votes for Barisan Nasional come to 420 and, for DAP, 400 and you are not satisfied, you can demand a recount. If the recount is 419 for Barisan Nasional and 401 for DAP and you are still not satisfied, you can demand that they be counted yet again. Say the third count shows that it is again 420 for Barisan Nasional and 400 for DAP and this time you are satisfied, then this is the figure that is recorded on the form. This form is then signed by the SPR with the agents for all the candidates also counter-signing the form. You then demand a copy of this form for your records. That would be the final result. – Raja Petra
  5. -So how can they cheat? The number of registered voters in your saluran is 1,000. This has been confirmed by your party HQ or the operations centre of your candidate. – Raja Petra
  6. -The number of people who voted was 820. You confirmed this.The number of ballot papers in the ballot box is also 820. You confirmed this.The total votes for both candidates is 820. You confirmed this.They sorted out the ballot papers correctly. You saw this yourself.They counted both piles correctly. You saw this yourself.And the sum total for both piles comes to 820. You confirmed this.Hence Barisan Nasional won that particular salurn with 420 votes versus DAP’s 400 votes. All this was done in front of you with you as the witness.So, pray tell, how can they cheat as far as what happened in your saluran on Polling Day is concerned? – Raja Petra
6. Timbalan Presiden PKR Sendiri Menyuruh Anwar Menerima Keputusan PR 13 ( BN Menang )
  1. - Azmin said the calls for reformasi should start with one whispering it within himself.“Gagal ke Putrajaya. Salah siapa ? Ikuti penjelasan dalam masa terdekat. (Failure to go to Putrajaya. Whose fault is it? Wait for the explanation soon),” said Azmin in another tweet.Azmin said the people were getting fed up with aggressive politics.“Accept the punishment. Acknowledge your weaknesses. Progress forward. “Accept the verdict of the people. Move forward while focusing on policies which benefit the people and not those which bully them.” – Azmin Ali
7. Presiden DAP Karpal Singh Mengiktiraf Keputusan Pilihan Raya 13
  1. -While PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has every right to question the legitimacy of the 13th general election, DAP chairman Karpal Singh said his party was happy with its performance in the polls. Karpal also expressed satisfaction with DAP’s win of 38 parliamentary seats in the polls.“DAP has done very well, especially in Gelang Patah, where the win was unexpected,” he added. Karpal Singh
8. Setiausaha Kebangsaan PAS Mustaffa Ali Menghormati Keputusan Pilihan Raya
  1. -Mustafa said PAS accepted that “you win some and lose some”. “The reality is that the government of the day is formed by the winning side. The election results are balanced’ and we accept the people’s verdict. – Mustafa Ali
9. Wartawan Antarabangsa Nile Bowie (columnist with Russia Today. He also contributes to PressTV, Global Research, and CounterPunch.)
  1. - Any claims of fraud made by the opposition leader should be submitted to the courts with evidence, and non-partisan monitoring agencies (meaning organisations with no affiliation to Bersih) should be able to corroborate these claims.Articles from the Sarawak Report website and other less-than-objective sources are making their rounds on social media purporting to show evidence of fraud, however the content of these reports are politicised, speculative, reliant on half-truths and clearly not definitive.Grand allegations, especially made at politically opportune moments, need to be supported by concrete sources with definitive evidence. – Nile Bowie
  2. -International monitors from Asean countries also monitored these polls, and they claimed that they were as good as they could be. Numerous reports from various monitoring agencies will be released in the coming days, which will provide a clearer picture of the situation.Needless to say, it was deeply misleading of Anwar Ibrahim to declare ‘victory’ over Twitter before any poll results were even announced.The hearsay and allegations of the opposition leader have prompted several Malaysian Indians to be physically attacked by voters and prevented from casting the ballots on the suspicion that they were Bangladeshi phantom voters; they filed police reports and were later vindicated. – Nile Bowie
  3. - Malaysia Airlines has denied the opposition leader’s accusations, and Air Asia Group CEO Tony Fernandes has dismissed rumours that foreigners were flown into Malaysian to place dubious votes; Fernandes invited S Ambiga to review the flight manifests. – Nile Bowie
10. Amerika Syarikat Mengiktiraf Keputusan Pilhan Raya 13 ( BN Menang dan Kerajaan Yang Sah )
  1. -WASHINGTON – The United States has recognized Malaysia’s election result, calling it the “most competitive” in the Southeast Asian nation’s history, despite opposition claims of irregularities in the vote.State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said the U.S. looked forward to working with the government to be formed by Prime Minister Najib Razak after his coalition returned to power after winning Sunday’s parliamentary elections with a diminished majority and despite losing the popular vote.
11. Wartawan Free Malaysia Today Lisa J. Ariffin Melaporkan Pakatan Rakyat Membayar Upah kepada Bangla
  1. - This claim comes following numerous reports by Pakatan observers that foreigners – mostly from Bangladesh, Myanmar and Nepal – were seen queing up at polling stations across the country to cast votes.They also said that reports have been filed at the Election Commission (EC) and claimed the issue would be addressesed during the EC’s press conference later this evening.“Our parties have discovered PKR’s modus operandi in Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam and Pantai Dalam not too long ago. PKR had employed these foreigners, gave them ICs, sent them to polling stations and pretended to be caught to give them (PKR) credit,” blogger Afiq KLTown said on his Facebook page today.“The opposition are all desperate and cannot accept the fact that they will lose, and therefore had resorted to create this cheap propaganda,” he added.“The suspects are believed to have been trying to manipulate the election today by claiming the Bangladeshi’s were voting on behalf of BN,” he added.It was reported earlier today that a suspicious voter from Sabah was questioned by Pakatan Rakyat workers in Pandan, Selangor, when he attempted to claim money at their booth after voting.
12. Pemantau Antarabangsa Mengatakan Pilihan Raya 13 dianjurkan dengan Telus dan Bersih
  1. - Independent international observers have lauded the handling of the 13th general election, calling it transparent, fair and well-organized.
  2. Cambodian National Election Committee vice chairperson Dr Sin Chum Bo said the polling was secure, visible and fair, with observers able to oversee the process unhindered.
  3. -Dr Sin Chum was among the 19 delegates from Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) that observed the Malaysian election over the last two days, after the first-ever invite for international observers by the Election Commission (EC).
  4. -Indonesian Election Commission chief Husni Kamil Manik said the EC’s move to give observers more room improved the quality of the election.
  5. -Asean Secretariat (Cross-Sectoral Cooperation) director Larry Maramis said the delegates were honored to have been chosen, adding that it gave them an opportunity to exchange ideas and views on best practices on election processes  (https://www.facebook.com/syaforthenation)
Source  :  The Kuala Lumpur Post  ( http://www.kualalumpurpost.net/tangkap-anwar-ibrahim-kerana-12-fitnah-pru13/?fb_ref=recommendations-bar )

Admin - Tambahan pula,  Siasatan awal Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) menunjukkan sekeping gambar dimuatkan di internet menunjukkan kononnya berlaku insiden lampu padam semasa pengiraan undi pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13) 5 Mei lalu adalah fitnah dan lakonan itu dirakamkan sebelum PRU13 lagi. Sila ke link : http://www.kualalumpurpost.net/insiden-sudah-dilakonkan-sebelum-pru-13-akhirnya-terbongkar/

Pendekar Melayu 2013

Thursday, 16 May 2013


House PK: PANAS BERAPI! UPACARA ANGKAT SUMPAH KHALID GAGAP S...: UPACARA mengangkat sumpah perlantikan Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor semalam mencatat sejarah tersendiri bila Khali...

Pendekar Melayu 2013

Wednesday, 15 May 2013



Patutla Anwar selalu pergi ke Luar Negara rupa-rupanya terlalu banyak wang dalam USD di simpan di Bank Of Israel. 


Berikut adalah perincian akaun Anak Beranak Anwar yang Sungai rapat Online terima melalui Email seperti berikut: 

1. Name : Ms Wan Azizah Bte Wan Ismail
Post : Wife of Ex. Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 174685 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : AGF-2192-2442-722-(X)
Amount : USD 4,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 25/06/95
Date of Maturity : 25/06/98
(Maturity continued to 25/06/2001)
(Extension interest agreed upon)

2. Name : Ms Wan Azizah Bte Wan Ismail
Post : Wife of Ex. Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 174685 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FA-4196-2493-313 (A)
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 09/06/97
Date of Maturity : 09/06/00

3. Name : Ms Wan Azizah Bte Wan Ismail
Post : Wife of Ex. Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 174685 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : DD-3919-714-271-(A)
Amount : USD 5,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/12/95
Date of Maturity : 06/12/98

4. Name : Ms Wan Azizah Bte Wan Ismail
Post : Wife of Ex. Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 174685 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FB-5614-1499-515 (C)
Amount : USD 9,800,000.00
Date of opening account : 12/11/97
Date of Maturity : 12/11/2000

5. Name : Ms Wan Azizah Bte Wan Ismail
Post : Wife of Ex. Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 174685 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : CE-2418-7172-492 (E)
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 07/03/98
Date of Maturity : 07/03/01

6. Name : Ms Wan Azizah Bte Wan Ismail
Post : Wife of Ex. Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 174685 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : GB-6921-4212-712 (F)
Amount : USD 6,650,000.00
Date of opening account : 19/03/95
Date of Maturity : 19/03/98
(Maturity continuity to 19/03/2001)

7. Name : Ms Nurul Izzah Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Ex. Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : C-719-418-210 (M)
Amount : USD 13,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 17/06/96
Date of Maturity : 17/06/99

8. Name : Ms Nurul Izzah Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Ex. Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : F-817-200-11 (C)
Amount : USD 12,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 03/12/96
Date of Maturity : 03/12/99

9. Name : Ms Nurul Izzah Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Ex. Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
5 years
Account No : G-211-922-718-2 (D)
Amount : USD 15,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 12/07/97
Date of Maturity : 12/07/02

10. Name : Ms Nurul Izzah Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Ex. Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
1 years
Account No : F-3532-3310-501 (NG)
Amount : USD 15,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/09/98
Date of Maturity : 21/09/99

11. Name : Ms Nurul Izzah Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Ex. Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : DA-9159-7211-819 (M)
Amount : USD 4,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 20/05/96
Date of Maturity : 20/05/99

12. Name : Ms Nurul Izzah Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Ex. Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : ME-3138-5144-219 (A)
Amount : USD 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 08/09/97
Date of Maturity : 08/09/00

13. 13. Name : Ms Nurul Nuha Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Ex. Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Current Account
Account No : A-7213-4441-223 (MB)
Amount : USD 15,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 11/12/97
Withdrawal : USD 5,000,000.00 on 10/02/98
Cheque No. F2912718
Deposit : USD 9,500,000.00
Last Balance : USD 19,500,000.00

14. Name : Ms Nurul Nuha Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Ex. Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
1 years
Account No : F-3518-3279-441 (ND)
Amount : USD 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 08/09/98
Date of Maturity : 08/09/99

15. Name : Ms Nurul Nuha Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : M-3121-3149-512 (D)
Amount : USD 7,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 03/12/95
Date of Maturity : 03/12/98

16. Name : Ms Nurul Iman Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : LA-5716-3919-862 (C)
Amount : USD 15,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 16/08/96
Date of Maturity : 16/08/99

17. Name : Ms Nurul Iman Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : CM-6983-7419-365 (F)
Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 29/06/97
Date of Maturity : 29/06/99

18. Name : Ms Nurul Iman Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : JE-8145-6073-396 (L)
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 15/11/97
Date of Maturity : 15/11/99

19. Name : Ms Nurul Iman Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
3 years
Account No : YE-3909-2616-398 (M)
Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 25/11/97
Date of Maturity : 25/11/00

20. Name : Ms Nurul Iman Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 914315 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
1 years
Account No : G-7051-3996-521 (EC)
Amount : USD 12,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 26/09/98
Date of Maturity : 26/09/99

21. Name : Ms Nurul Ilham Bte Anwar 
Post : Daughter of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 639296 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : M-2074-6219-332 (E)
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 05/06/97
Date of Maturity : 05/06/99

22. Name : Ms Nurul Ilham Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 639296 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : DL-6074-3691-7785 (E)
Amount : USD 3,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 26/09/97
Date of Maturity : 26/09/00

23. Name : Ms Nurul Ilham Bte Anwar
Post : Daughter of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 639296 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
3 years
Account No : CF-3711-5681-742 (G)
Amount : S $ 7,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/07/96
Date of Maturity : 06/07/99

24. Name : Mr Ihsan Bin Anwar 
Post : Son of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 697339 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : EX-6965-7718-396 (D)
Amount : USD 15,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 19/11/97
Date of Maturity : 19/11/99

25. Name : Mr Ihsan Bin Anwar
Post : Son of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 697339 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : FN-1799-6673-983 (M)
Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/01/98
Date of Maturity : 21/01/00


USD 199.45 MILLION AND S $ 42,000,000.00 IN FIXED DEPOSIT

Ponder on the amount and think for yourself how could they have acquired these vast amount of wealth just being the wife and children of the DPM of Malaysia ????



1. Name : Mr. Ibrahim Bin Abdul Rahman
Post : Father of Ex.Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : C 341872 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : BB-1792-5126-2197-14 (XD)
Amount : USD 6,600,000.00
Date of opening account : 14/12/96
Date of Maturity : 14/12/98

2. Name : Mr. Ibrahim Bin Abdul Rahman
Post : Father of Ex. Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : C 341872 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : MG-3014-2132-5188-19 (NF)
Amount : USD 11,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 16/05/97
Date of Maturity : 16/05/00

3. Name : Mr. Ibrahim Bin Abdul Rahman
Post : Father of Ex. Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : C 341872 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : NE-5179-2212-6125-42 (CE)
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 18/06/98
Date of Maturity : 18/06/00


USD 23,100,00.00


 Berikut pula transaksi yang dibuat oleh beberapa anggota keluarga Anwar di Bank of Israel 

26. Name : Mr. Raja Ahmad Shahrir Raja Salim
Post : Son in law of Ex. Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 371981 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Current Account
Account No : E-7194-303-45-G
Amount : USD 7,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 22/12/95
Withdrawal : USD 2,500,000.00 on 10/01/96
Cheque No. F1742330
Withdrawal : USD 1,000,000.00 on 16/03/96
Cheque No. F1742331
Withdrawal : USD 1,000,000.00 on 01/07/96
Cheque No. F1742332
Withdrawal : USD 500,000.00 on 11/06/97
Cheque No. F1742333

27. Name : Mr. Raja Ahmad Shahrir Raja Salim
Post : Son in law of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 371981 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : J-321-3352-339-G
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 14/07/96
Date of Maturity : 14/07/99

28. 3. Name : Ms. Hajjah Che Yan
Post : Mother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No... : D 691245 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : AC- 4192-443-54-E
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 27/11/96
Date of Maturity : 27/11/99

29. Name : Ms. Rehan Bte Ibrahim
Post : Sister of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 391274 (M)
Bank : Bank Of Nova Scotia
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : LA- 7211-3647-341 G
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 10/06/96
Date of Maturity : 10/06/99

30. Name : Ms. Rehan Bte Ibrahim
Post : Sister of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 391274 (M)
Bank : Bank Of China
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : CL 4223-6162-47 M
Amount : USD 2,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/09/96
Date of Maturity : 21/09/96

31. 6. Name : Mr. Mokhtar Bin Ibrahim
Post : Brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 512717 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
5 years
Account No : AF- 3712-229-33-Y
Amount : USD 7,700,000.00
Date of opening account : 15/06/96
Date of Maturity : 15/06/01

32. Name : Mr. Mokhtar Bin Ibrahim
Post : Brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 512717 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : F-3091-9211-39 (O)
Amount : USD 5,000,000...00
Date of opening account : 19/08/96
Date of Maturity : 19/08/99

33. Name : Mr. Marzuki Bin Ibrahim
Post : Brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 299671 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
3 years
Account No : M-5244-6052-69 (D)
Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 07/05/97
Date of Maturity : 07/05/00

34. Name : Mr. Marzuki Bin Ibrahim
Post : Brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 299671 (M)
Bank : Development Bank of Singapore
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : C-2965-173-384-F
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 29/11/96
Date of Maturity : 29/11/98

35. Name : Mr. Rosli Bin Ibrahim
Post : Brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 423717 (M)
Bank : Development Bank of Singapore
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : CA-3129-662-919-G
Amount : S $ 2,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/03/97
Date of Maturity : 06/03/99

36. Name : Mr. Rosli Bin Ibrahim
Post : Brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 423717 (M)
Bank : Bank of China
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : E-699-3172-982 (B)
Amount : USD 8,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 02/09/96
Date of Maturity : 02/09/99

37. Name : Mr. Rosli Bin Ibrahim
Post : Brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 423717 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
3 years
Account No : CA-5098-344-66-D
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 12/06/96
Date of Maturity : 12/06/99

38. Name : Mr. Idrus Bin Ibrahim
Post : Brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 862411 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : DD-2141-7922-549-F
Amount : USD $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/04/97
Date of Maturity : 21/04/99

39. Name : Mr. Idrus Bin Ibrahim
Post : Brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 862411 (M)
Bank : United Overseas Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : M-3914-7179-212-D
Amount : S $ 5,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 28/05/97
Date of Maturity : 28/05/99

40. Name : Mr. Idrus Bin Ibrahim
Post : Brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 862411 (M)
Bank : Development Bank of Singapore
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : B 1712-341-619-C
Amount : S $ 2,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 29/06/97
Date of Maturity : 29/06/99

41. Name: Mr. Rani Bin Ibrahim
Post : Brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 541781 (M)
Bank : Bank of China
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : D 319-2218-512-J
Amount : USD 3,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 28/02/98
Date of Maturity : 28/02/01

42. Name : Mr. Rani Bin Ibrahim
Post : Brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 541781 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : M 374-6593-88 D
Amount : USD 4,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 08/06/97
Date of Maturity : 08/06/99

43. Name : Mr. Rani Bin Ibrahim
Post : Brother of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 541781 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : BD 5211-7925-8716-51 MA
Amount : USD 6,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 08/06/97
Date of Maturity : 08/06/99

44. Name : Ms. Farizon Bte Ibrahim 
Post : Sister of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 831569 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : E- 6654-662-719-M
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 09/07/96
Date of Maturity : 09/07/99

45. Name : Ms. Farizon Bte Ibrahim
Post : Sister of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 831569 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : J-5152-6161-311-D
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 24/01/97
Date of Maturity : 24/01/00

46. Name : Ms. Farizon Bte Ibrahim
Post : Sister of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 831569 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FG 3469-4462-9172 (DE)
Amount : USD 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/09/96
Date of Maturity : 21/09/99

47. Name : Mr. Azmin Bin Ali
Post : Friend of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 659711 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : H 7639-1722-5243 (MG)
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 09/06/97
Date of Maturity : 09/06/99

48. Name : Mr. Azmin Bin Ali
Post : Friend of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 659711 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
1 years
Account No : DC 7943-7716-2713 33 NB
Amount : S $ 3,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 10/12/97
Date of Maturity : 10/12/98

49. Name : Mr. Azmin Bin Ali
Post : Friend of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 659711 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : GH 1299-4166-339 A
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 11/06/97
Date of Maturity : 11/06/99

50. Name : Mr. Azmin Bin Ali
Post : Friend of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 659711 (M)
Bank : Israel National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : D 1471-3134-22 F
Amount : S $ 3,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 03/04/97
Date of Maturity : 03/04/99

51. Name : Mr. Azmin Bin Ali
Post : Friend of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 659711 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
2 years
Account No : AB 7193-4111-331 (A)
Amount : S $ 6,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 20/12/96
Date of Maturity : 20/12/98

52. Name : Mr. Wan Ismail Bin Wan Mahmud
Post : Father in Law of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 515341 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency
3 years
Account No : FA 9132-3156-212 E
Amount : USD 2,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 11/04/96
Date of Maturity : 11/04/99

53. Name : Mr. Wan Ismail Bin Wan Mahmud
Post : Father in Law of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 515341 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : M 819-5512-71 D
Amount : USD 3,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/05/97
Date of Maturity : 06/05/99

54. Name : Mr. Wan Ismail Bin Wan Mahmud
Post : Father in Law of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 515341 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : M 819-5512-71 D
Amount : USD 3,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/05/97
Date of Maturity : 06/05/99

55. Name : Mr. Kamaruddin Bin Jaafar
Post : Friend of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 814239 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit
3 years
Account No : GM 5210-6125-8862-49 DG
Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 10/04/96
Date of Maturity : 10/04/99

56. Name : Mr. Abdul Rahim Bin Md Ghouse
Post : Friend of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 722217 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : HD 4179-2416-3829-31AD
Amount : USD 3,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/12/96
Date of Maturity : 21/12/98

57. Name : Mr. Shamsidar BteTaharin
Post : Friend of Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : E 691432 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
2 years
Account No : SD 3912-4942-6918-72 DA
Amount : S $ 4,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 03/12/96
Date of Maturity : 03/12/98

Pendekar Melayu 2013
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